Monday, March 30, 2009 @ 1:35 AM
bismillah-ir rahman-ir rahim
Bedok North Secondary 3 (SAFRA Mt. Faber).
Greenview Secondary 1 (CSPR).
Pasir Ris Crest Secondary 3 (SAFRA Mt. Faber).
Blangah Rise Primary 4 & 5 (CSPR).
Compassvale Secondary 3 Campfire (Pulau Ubin)
Nanyang Girls Secondary 1 (SAFRA Mt. Faber).
Mayflower Secondary 2 (CSPR).
There are numerous amounts of people i have yet to thank, apologise, embrace.
The experience, is out of this world.
Every single camp, there are different things to remember.
Even if there were times where i wanted to get aggressive.
Times when i just wanted to lift off to lala land.
Times when i was laughing so hard.
Times when it was just hard to hold back my tears.
For sure, it won't end here.
I still remember my very first batch of students.
They were not those students who shine the brightest.
But they are the best at what they do.
Which is being themselves.
I remember you.
I still remember being called names; "Uncle, Cookie Monster".
I still remember the "BURN CLAP", how hilarious and fun it was.
My students were a bunch of lovely people, cute, fun and shy.
Hard to even believe they are Secondary 1.
I remember you.
You cheered, you screamed, you laughed.
I made you run, all across Telok Blangah, as one.
I knew how tired you are, but you still kept on going.
And at the end, you made me cry so hard.
I remember you.
I screamed, i reprimanded.
And i almost fainted.
It was a challenge, but somehow i know.
I touched that little heart of yours.
I remember you.
The magical campfire.
Hogwarts as i call it, with a touch of shuffling.
I saw your tired faces, some already fell asleep.
But you did your best, to shine.
I remember you.
Those cheers, that laughter.
The cute group names, it was hilarious.
I'm sad it did not end smoothly.
But i hope i did something that makes you remember.
Because; i remember you.
You were not proactive, you were not that responsive.
But that is what makes you shine the most, your friendship.
Build on that bond, don't neglect your friends.
I still remember making jokes with you, bang bang candy!
I remember you.
This is not totally over, i know.
Because every end, leads to a new beginning.
Each and every one of you, made me believe.
In my own aspiration.
To Inspire.
To Change.
So many things that happened.
So many things i wish i could say.
Wish i could share.
Wish i could write more.
But i am happy, that i did what i did.
And you remember, what i did.
And the friends i made here.
The many many friends i made.
I thank you all, for giving me the chance.
To be myself, and to shine in my own right.
No matter our differences, no matter our arguments.
I still wouldn't change you for another.
Because we touched those lives, together.
As we touched each others' life.
I remember you.

camp season zero-one almost over.
Keming Primary 5.
i'll be coming to your campfire.
SHINE alright?
Sunday, March 22, 2009 @ 4:40 PM
bismillah-ir rahman-ir rahim.
how would you like it, if someone labeled you as something you are not.
yes, maybe sometimes we can label some people.
because of the way they wear, they act and the words they use.
but at the same time, get it straight that you still don't know that person.
but if you label someone, just because they dress a certain way.
just because they look a certain way.
let me ask you, what would you feel if I labeled you the same way?
think, this is a silent FUCK YOU.
humans are perfect, they just neglect the ideology.
being perfect is to be able to recognize your mistakes.
and after that, correct it.
in other events, yesterday I was at the Adidas and the Robinson's fair.
with my brothers four, Harith, Haziq, Nabil and Farhan.
FYI, we are the Brothers Five.
even though one of 'em is a Manchester United fan, he's still someone I respect.
not forgetting Haziq's friend's, who were more than entertaining.
Dan, Adam and Afiq.
and Nabil's friend Chris, sorry if we were a bore.
and to my friends, Rezman, Liyana, Syafiq, Masidayu, and especially my bestfriend.
Siti Adrianyanty.
thanks for accompanying!
bestie, shopping two days straight is uber NUTS!
okay back to my point, saw these pink Adidas shoes.
thanks Harith and Yanty, help me picked it.
here it is.
there ain' nothing like it.
so then, at night we went to meet up with Rizal, Haziq's friend Shafaa.
if that's spelt correctly, haha!
and Masidayu's boyfriend, Rafiz.
went to eat, i diet stupidly.
just drank ICE CHING TANG!
then we went to play pool.
then after that is, when this word came out.
PARTIALLY; it is tonight's word, okay children?
Friday, March 20, 2009 @ 4:50 AM

bismillah-ir rahman-ir rahim.
Never Forget 14th March 2009 Kopites.
Biggest win against them since 1936.
Who wouldn't explode with excitement right?
Until i forget where my phone is, haha.
@ 4:30 AM
This is a story about a boy named Luis.
Luis is a strong young man, maybe not physically; but emotionally. He is one who demands respect as he gives his respect, his motto. Respect is only given, when the other party respects. Some might say Luis is still young and immature, but only to some. His wisdom, is beyond his age. He is wise, because he is smart. He picks his words before he speaks, and he trust his words so much. That in his heart, the words are never out line. He isn't spoilt, he isn't rowdy. He went through tough phases in life, and only he understands the battle that goes on inside of him. He isn't actually a saint, but his intentions. Equal, as if a saint. He wants people to understand fairness, he wants the world to notice kindness. That is who he is, that is what he wants.
As any adolescent, Luis seek for an identity. Something that resembles him, something that is unique to who he is. Not what people say, what not people make him to be. He wants to build a reputation, that is ever so hard to keep. YET, only he can handle. At that time nothing ever says unique, than being the most popular kind guy at school. That was his aim, but that aim. Did not come on in easy, he was not even sure that he had an aim. And it all started, when he entered secondary school life.
Remeber the time when you just started secondary school? Some might get the same schools as their primary school friend, and then start to be bestfriends for life. For Luis, he starts as if he was primary 1. No old close friends to walk around with, just himself. The first time he entered class, no one approached him to be friends. And he felt like as if the world was against him, and to the him. It's an insult to his manhood, eventhough he was still a boy then.
This is a story about a boy named Luis.
Luis is a strong young man, maybe not physically; but emotionally. He is one who demands respect as he gives his respect, his motto. Respect is only given, when the other party respects. Some might say Luis is still young and immature, but only to some. His wisdom, is beyond his age. He is wise, because he is smart. He picks his words before he speaks, and he trust his words so much. That in his heart, the words are never out line. He isn't spoilt, he isn't rowdy. He went through tough phases in life, and only he understands the battle that goes on inside of him. He isn't actually a saint, but his intentions. Equal, as if a saint. He wants people to understand fairness, he wants the world to notice kindness. That is who he is, that is what he wants.
As any adolescent, Luis seek for an identity. Something that resembles him, something that is unique to who he is. Not what people say, what not people make him to be. He wants to build a reputation, that is ever so hard to keep. YET, only he can handle. At that time nothing ever says unique, than being the most popular kind guy at school. That was his aim, but that aim. Did not come on in easy, he was not even sure that he had an aim. And it all started, when he entered secondary school life.
Remeber the time when you just started secondary school? Some might get the same schools as their primary school friend, and then start to be bestfriends for life. For Luis, he starts as if he was primary 1. No old close friends to walk around with, just himself. The first time he entered class, no one approached him to be friends. And he felt like as if the world was against him, and to the him. It's an insult to his manhood, eventhough he was still a boy then.