bismillah-ir rahman-ir rahim.
Listen to what the young can teach you, to all age and cultures. You might be older, smarter and more experience but does not mean you are wiser. Today I learnt a valuable lesson I guess and guess who taught me this lesson?
A young 11-month old girl.
Surprised? She might not even know what she is doing but listen and watch her movements. Because she surely has a mind of her own to take what she wants and what she does not want.
I relate her to a girl; I believe a girl’s nature can be born from the start of her life. All these feelings are born with them, they are meant to feel so.
1) I put her down, with the milk she wanted but when I walked away, she cried. When I come back to her, just lie beside her and watch her, she stops crying. Sometimes all a girl wants is for you to be there for her, not for you to say anything but just stay there and watch her. Just sit beside her and do nothing but hold her. Let her know you’re there for her.
2) I lay down beside her, she wanted to crawl away. Her head just was about to hit the edge of a cabinet and I know it is going to be nasty if she did; since the edge of the cabinet was fairly sharp. I rested my hand on her head, she kept pushing it away. I rested my hand on the edge of the cabinet, she pushed it again. I was wondering, even though she only thought of her motive and not the dangers. She surely knew that she did not want to be protected. So I came to a conclusion, is that sometimes a girl just wants to make the all the mistakes she can. She does not want to know that you will protect her or not, she knows you will. But what matters to her is that, whether you will be there when the episode is over. Whether you will still hold her hand and proudly name yourself hers and let the world know that you are hers to keep.
I know I wrote down those simplest things but come to think of it, I don’t think you would even notice these little things. The point isn’t to let guys know what to do and not do to a girl. Somehow it is also too but my main point is. Keep your head low, you might just learn the most important life lesson from a kid. It does not take experience and sheer determination. Its about making or breaking life. Its about understanding life. Who are we, if we don’t give a chance to learn from each other; no matter if the teacher is younger. On that note, mistakes are meant to be learnt from and not to knelt down to and giving up life for.
“Life is not the number of breaths you take, its number of times life takes your breath away.”
-Anonymous, (HITCH movie)