Monday, May 18, 2009 @ 9:20 AM
Bismillah-ir Rahman-ir Rahim.
What would you do, when something you found.
Is so profoundly beautiful, it takes your heart away.
It makes breathing easier, and you see everything so very much clearer.
You start to shine with it, and you will want to die with it.
It makes you tear, like rain pouring down on rooftops.
It makes your life worthwhile, more fulfilling than it was.
Embrace it, never wanting to let it go.
It is more than just life and death, as Bill Shankly said.
It is like your heartbeat, constant.
Never stopping, till the day you pass.
I praise it, it made my life ever so beautiful.
See what it gave me, gifts that are precious.
More precious than diamonds, more beautiful than pearls.
Brotherhood, friendship and love.
A friend, whom I was enemies with.
For over 3 years, never looked each other in the eye.
But for the love of Liverpool, we watched soccer together.
That was how we bonded, watching soccer.
Brotherhood, more amazing than you have.
We cry, laugh and love.
Never was this close, never was meeting this much.
For the love of Liverpool, our brotherhood grew.
I never felt better, I never would ask for better.
We live and breathe Liverpool, unafraid of the society.
We sing it, we are proud of it.
Syarazi Haziq "alonso".
Nabil Akif "gerrard, your beauty"
Farhan Syah "torres".
Syahmi Nazri.
Haikal Syah "Garcia".
Ruzaini "boboi"
And the list goes on, this is my family.
My brotherhood of Kopites, our part of the 12th man.
With all these, came friends.
Because of Liverpool, we always want the best for Liverpool.
I fell in love, with Liverpool.
No matter how much it hurts, no matter how much it takes.
It still engraved, from deep down inside.
"come what may, I will live my days, and end it, as a KOPITE.
I will never walk alone."
Yazier Nifail Hamzah.
it is not just a club, it is OUR family.
What would you do, when something you found.
Is so profoundly beautiful, it takes your heart away.
It makes breathing easier, and you see everything so very much clearer.
You start to shine with it, and you will want to die with it.
It makes you tear, like rain pouring down on rooftops.
It makes your life worthwhile, more fulfilling than it was.
Embrace it, never wanting to let it go.
It is more than just life and death, as Bill Shankly said.
It is like your heartbeat, constant.
Never stopping, till the day you pass.
I praise it, it made my life ever so beautiful.
See what it gave me, gifts that are precious.
More precious than diamonds, more beautiful than pearls.
Brotherhood, friendship and love.
A friend, whom I was enemies with.
For over 3 years, never looked each other in the eye.
But for the love of Liverpool, we watched soccer together.
That was how we bonded, watching soccer.
Brotherhood, more amazing than you have.
We cry, laugh and love.
Never was this close, never was meeting this much.
For the love of Liverpool, our brotherhood grew.
I never felt better, I never would ask for better.
We live and breathe Liverpool, unafraid of the society.
We sing it, we are proud of it.
Syarazi Haziq "alonso".
Nabil Akif "gerrard, your beauty"
Farhan Syah "torres".
Syahmi Nazri.
Haikal Syah "Garcia".
Ruzaini "boboi"
And the list goes on, this is my family.
My brotherhood of Kopites, our part of the 12th man.
With all these, came friends.
Because of Liverpool, we always want the best for Liverpool.
I fell in love, with Liverpool.
No matter how much it hurts, no matter how much it takes.
It still engraved, from deep down inside.
"come what may, I will live my days, and end it, as a KOPITE.
I will never walk alone."
Yazier Nifail Hamzah.
it is not just a club, it is OUR family.